I am a senior research fellow at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) in Hamburg. My work focuses on the intersection between forced migration, global environmental change, and socio-political upheaval, and on the interactions between mobility governance and state survival, consolidation, and (trans-)formation. My regional focus is mainly on the Middle East (Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Israel/Palestine, Turkey), where I have conducted extensive field research, but I am also engaged in cross-regional comparative projects, including the EU-funded consortium „Migration Governance and Asylum Crises (MAGYC)”  and the DAAD-funded Climate Centre “Sustainable Adaptation to Global Change in the Middle East” (SAGE-Centre) based at An-Najah University in Palestine. I hold a PhD from the Center for Conflict Studies at Marburg University,  a Master in Peace and Security Studies from Hamburg University, and an M.A. in English literature, Contemporary History and Psychology from Hamburg and Warwick Universities.

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