March 25-27 Workshop “Exiles, Migrants and Refugees from Syria”. Organised by Prof. em. Dr. Dawn Chatty, the New York University (NYU) Abu Dhabi Research Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE.

June 17-19 EuroMeSCo Annual Conference 2019 “Civil Society and Social Movements in the Euro-Mediterranean Region“, Barcelona, Spain. Kick-off meeting of working group “Water Security in the Middle East“.

July 14-26 Fourteenth Tel Aviv University Workshop on Israel and the Middle East, various locations, Israel/Palestinian Territories.

August 5-6 Workshop “Environmental Crises as Economic, Political and Social Crises”, funded by Leibniz Research Alliance “Crisis in a Globalised World”, Georg-Eckert-Institute, Braunschweig. Organised jointly with Tobias Ide (GEI), Kathi Krähnert (DIW), and Jonathan Donges (PIK).

September 11-13 Workshop on Climate Change and Conflict, organised by TODA Peace Institute, Tokyo, Japan.

November 20 Workshop “Futures of Mobility”, Futurium Berlin.

November 21-22 Hamburg (Insecurity) Sessions: Un-cancelling the Future.

December 4-6 Annual Consortium Meeting, MAGYC project, Beirut, Lebanon.

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