

January 4 Forced migration as violent practice: reasons for flight, flight routes, and destinations. Seminar “Refugees welcome – but how?”, Hamburg university.
January 17 Reasons for flight and European Responsibility. Presentation and discussion, Kulturschloss Wandsbek, Hamburg.
February 11 Flight, Migration and Security: Which role for climate change? DKK-climate-breakfast preceding the 52. Munich Security Conference.
February 12 Panel discussion on refugee policies, workshop Ways out of Violence, Institute for Peace Research and Security Policy at the University of Hamburg.
March 2-5 Trans-liberal Peace. Panel and presentation at the annual colloquium of the German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies, Bonn.
April 5 Forced Migration as Violent Practice: Reasons for Flight, Flight Routes, and Destinations. Keynote, lecture series “Flight-Stories”, University of Hamburg.
April 6 Climate and Forced Migration. “Tipping talk” with Michael Adler, Agency for Sustainable Communication tipping points, Berlin.
April 19 Climate Change, Migration and Conflict. Brown Bag Lunch, Istanbul Policy Center, Sabanci Universität, Istanbul.
April 20 Climate Change and Security in Syria. Department of International Relations, Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara.
April 21 Energy Security in the Context of Resource Scarcity and Climate Change. Seminar, postgraduate programme Energy Economics, Policy and Security, Bilkent University, Ankara.
April 28-29 International conference Migration and the Conflict Cycle, co-convenor with Dr. André Bank and JProf. Dr. Andrea Schneiker, financed by the Thyssen Foundation.
May 10 Pre-story of the Revolution? Climate Change, Migration and Conflict in the Middle East. Conference “Nobody flees without a reason. Our role for the causes of current migration flows. Landesamt für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Geologie Rostock.
May 12 Forced migration into Insecurity. Drivers, Corridors, Consequences. Lecture series on forced migration, Institute for Political Science, University of Hamburg.
May 20-22 Rethinking Democracy and Citizenship in Turkey. Mercator-IPC Fellowship Alumni Retreat, Büyükada, Istanbul.
September 15-16 Refugee Policy as Normative Dislimitation. The European-Turkish Refugee Deal. Workshop Research on Turkey in Germany IV. Border spaces – Borderlines – Dislimitations. University of Hamburg.
October 6 Human Mobility in Crisis: Migration and Violence in the Conflict Cycle. 1. Conference for Refugee Research, Osnabrück. (with André Bank and Andrea Schneiker)
October 7 Climate Change and the Syrian Civil War. 1. Conference for Refugee Research, Osnabrück.
October 7 Creatures of Illusion. A Critical Perspective on Remote Sensing/GIS as Tools of Reality Construction. 1. Conference for Refugee Research, Osnabrück. (with Delf Rothe, Lennard Nickel and Miguel Rodriguez Lopez)
October 28 Human Mobility in the Context of Ecological Crisis. KMK-BMZ-Project “Climate Change as Global and Local Challenge”, Institute for Didactics of the Natural Sciences, Leibniz University Hannover.
November 4 Climate, Migration and Conflicts: Case Study Syria. 9. Hamburg Symposion Geography, Migration and Flight between Climate Change and Conflicts.
November 14-17 Climate Change, Forced Migration, Security. A case study from Syria. Lectures at the Geographisch-Ethnologische Gesellschaften (GEG) of St. Gallen, Zürich, Bern and Basel, Switzerland.
November 22-23 Climate Change, Internal Migration and Conflict Onset in Syria. Expert workshop on “Climate Change and Migration. Channels and Possible Indirect Consequences.” Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Milano, Italy.
November 24-27 participant of the 2nd Turkish-German Frontiers of Social Science Symposium 2016 (TUGFOSS) on the topic of “Forced Migration: Structures, Actors, Processes”, organised by Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung, Stiftung Mercator and Koç University.


December 7 Middle Eastern Security – Developments and Trajectories. Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr, Hamburg.
December 4 Fighting the causes of migration. What is the German contribution? Panel discussion with Niels Annen, MdB, und Elisabeth Braune (FES), Julius-Leber-Forum Hamburg.
November 14 Letters from Yarmuk. Syria on the way to where? The movie’s Germany premiere, Metropolis Kino, Hamburg. [cancelled because co-director has been imprisoned by the Syrian government]
October 14 Climate Change and Security in Turkish-German Context: Challenges and Opportunities. 2nd Turkish-German Expert Roundtable on Climate Change and Security, organised jointly by Istanbul Policy Center, Sabancı University, Istanbul; by the Stiftung Mercator Initiative; and by the Faculty of Economics, Administrative and Social Sciences at Bilkent University. Mercator Center Berlin.
September 26 The refugee situation in Syria’s neighbouring countries from a global perspective. Panel and presentation at Symposium The Forgotten Uprising. The Arab Spring in Syria and its Consequences. Exhibition, films, talks and performances. W3 – Werkstatt für internationale Kultur und Politik e.V., Hamburg.
July 26-30 Trapped in Crisis and Trapped in Refuge? Critical Views on Migration. Panel at the International Conference of Critical Geography, Ramallah, Palestine.
June 25-26 International Workshop Critical Perspectives on Human Mobility in Times of Crisis, GCCN Workshop Series “Gendering a Sustainable Future”, Hamburg University.
June 10-12 The political anthropology of internationalized politics: methods, chances, limits. Workshop at the Institute for Advanced Study, Delmenhorst.
May 6 Panel discussion on Reasons for Flight and Expulsion with activists and refugees, Salon Hamburg.
February 11 Explaining the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr, Hamburg, Germany.
February 5-6 Conflict Analysis Israel-Palestine. Symposium on Peace Politics, German Trade Union Confederation (DGB), Duisburg.
February 1 Discussion on European and German refugee policy with Aydan Özoğuz, MdB, Jürgen Klimke, MdB, and Fabio de Masi, MdEP, Kulturschloss Wandsbek, Hamburg.
January 29 After the Arab Revolutions. Impressions from Syrian Refugee Camps. Interdisciplinary lecture series Life/Rupture. Conflict Resolution and the Poetics of (Dis)Continuity, Hamburg University.


December 11-13 II. Workshop of the UN WWAP UNESCO Working Group on Gender Sensitive Water Assessment, Monitoring and Reporting in Colombella, Italy.
December 10 Gender and Resource Conflicts, Peace lecture, Hamburg university, lecture hall J, ESA 1, 16-18.
December 2Climate Science Day, Chamber of Commerce, city of Hamburg, 10-18.
November 12 The Middle East Conflict. One-Day-Seminar, University of the Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg, Germany.
October 13 Environmental Migration and Conflict in Syria. Jordan Institute of Diplomacy, Amman, Jordan.
September 23 Environmental Change, Environmental Migration and Political Insurgency. Conference “The Arab Uprising: Researching the Revolutions.” CBRL British Institute Amman, hosted by Prof. Dawn Chatty and Prof. Philip Marfleet.
August 6-9 Climate Change, Migration and Conflict4th Global International Studies Conference, Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
June 10-11 Co-Convenor of an international workshop on Gendering a Sustainable Future: Water, Conflict, Climate Change. Jointly organised by UNESCO WWAP, KlimaCampus and IFSH, Colombella, Italien.
June 12-13 I. Workshop of the UN WWAP UNESCO Working Group on Gender Sensitive Water Assessment, Monitoring and Reporting in Colombella, Italy.
May 10 Dimensions of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process. One-Day-Seminar at the Protestant Academy in the Rhineland, Bonn. Keynote speaker and panelist in concluding panel.
May 6-8 Water – Reason for Conflict or Cooperation? Seminar on International Politics – Actors, Problems and Conflicts, Academy for Political Education Tutzing.


April 3-6 The Oslo Myth, International Studies Association’s Annual Convention, San Francisco, USA.
June 27-29 The Other Arab Revolution. Environmental Change and Political Insurgence, PSS-ISA,  27.-29. June, Budapest, Ungary. Discussant in the session on “Climate Change 1: Security Perspectives”.
July 16-18 The Other Arab Revolution, The Hamburg Conference,  16.-18. July, Hamburg, Germany.
September 16-17 Co-convenor of an international workshop on “Gendering a Sustainable Future – Conflict, Genocide and Climate Change“, KlimaCampus, Hamburg University, Germany.
September 28 Discussion following the screening of the movie “Once I Entered a Garden”, directed by Avi Mograbi, Metropolis, Hamburg.
November 25 Discussion following the screening of the movie “Budrus”, directed by Julia Bacha, Abaton, Hamburg.


April 18 Discussion following the screening of the movie “Über Wasser” [About Water], directed by Udo Maurer, Gasteig Munich.
September 28 Discussion following the screening of the movie “The Invisible Men”, directed by Yariv Mozer, Abaton, Hamburg.
November 17 The political power shifts in the Arab world – the role of Israel, Dorothee-Sölle-Haus in Hamburg-Altona.
November 20 Leader of a Workshop on the role of water in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Protestant Academy Göttingen.
December 3-4 Co-convenor of a workshop on Resource conflicts and the Arabellion, Centre for Democracy and Peace Studies, Osnabrück University.


January 21 Current War Risks in the Near and Middle East. Opening lecture, strategic conference of the “Cooperation for Peace”,Hannover.
April 5 Discussion with the director of the movie “Children of Stones, Children of the Wall”, Robert Krieg, following the movie’s Hamburg premier.
August 23 Violence as Service to God. On the Relationship between Terror and Religion, Protestant Academy Loccum.
December 13 Leader or a workshop on the role of water in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Protestant Academy Loccum.

2009-2011 Annual presentation of the Peace Report at the Federal Press Conference, in the German Bundestag and the European parliament, Berlin and Brussels.


February 22-23 Transforming environmental conflict through discourse, illustrated by the Israeli-Palestinian water conflict, Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change and International Conference of the Social-Ecological Research Programme, Free University of Berlin.
April 17 Panelist, 5th Liberal International Day, topic: “Water as a Human Right – Water as matter of conflict in the Near and Middle East”, Berlin.
November 23 The Israeli-Palestinian water conflict, University of the Federal Armed Forces, Hamburg.

2009-2011 Annual presentation of the Peace Report at the Federal Press Conference, in the German Bundestag and the European parliament, Berlin and Brussels.


August 31 Presentation of the German Peace Report 2009 on the occasion of the anti-war-day 2009, organised by ver.di and the Cooperation for Peace: “70 Years after the Beginning of the Second World War – Crisis and War today”, Berlin.

2009-2011 Annual presentation of the Peace Report at the Federal Press Conference, in the German Bundestag and the European parliament, Berlin and Brussels.

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