
Artikel in Fachzeitschriften (begutachtet)

Fröhlich, Christiane. 2023. Migration as Crisis? German Migration Discourse at Critical Points of Nation-Building. The American Behavioral Scientist, Online First. DOI: 10.1177/00027642231182886 [open access]

Müller-Funk, Lea/Fröhlich, Christiane/Bank, André. 2023. Disentangling Forced Migration Governance: Actors and Drivers along the Displacement Continuum. International Migration Review, 58:3, 1462-1488. DOI: 10.1177/01979183231165676 [open access]

Fröhlich, Christiane, and Lea Müller-Funk. 2023. Mobility control as state-making in civil war: Forcing exit, selective return and strategic laissez-faire. Migration Politics 02 (001). [open access]

Bank, André, and Christiane Fröhlich. 2021. The governance of Syrian refugees in the Middle East: Lessons from the Jordan and Lebanon Compacts. Digest of Middle East Studies 30(4), 256-261. DOI: 10.1111/dome.12247. [open access]

Rothe, Delf/Fröhlich, Christiane/Rodriguez Lopez, Miguel. 2020. Digital humanitarianism and the visual politics of the refugee camp – (un)seeing control. International Political Sociology 15(1), 41-62. doi: 10.1093/ips/olaa021. [open access]

Ide, Tobias/Rodriguez Lopez, Miguel/Fröhlich, Christiane/Scheffran, Jürgen. 2021. Pathways to water conflict during drought in the MENA region. Journal of Peace Research 58(3), 568-582. doi: 10.1177/0022343320910777. [open access]

Klepp, Silja, und Christiane Fröhlich. 2020. Migration and Conflict in a Global Warming Era: A Political Understanding of Climate Change. Introduction to Special Issue of the same title, Social Sciences 9(5), doi: 10.3390/socsci9050078. [open access]

Boas, Ingrid/Farbotko, Carol/Adams, Helen (…) Fröhlich, Christiane et. al. 2019. Climate Migration Myths. Nature Climate Change 9(12), 901-903; doi: 10.1038/s41558-019-0633-3.

Baldwin, Andrew/Fröhlich, Christiane/Rothe, Delf. 2019. From Climate Migration to Anthropocene Mobilities: Shifting the Debate. Mobilities 14(3), 289-297; doi: 10.1080/17450101.2019.1620510. [open access]

Cattaneo, Cristina/Beine, Michel/Fröhlich, Christiane/Kniveton, Dominic/Martinez-Zarzoso, Inmaculada/Mastrorillo, Marina/Millock, Katrin/Piguet, Etienne/Schraven, Benjamin. 2019. Human Migration in the Era of Climate Change. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 13(2), 189-206; doi: 10.1093/reep/rez008.

Ide, Tobias/Fröhlich, Christiane/Donges, Jonathan. 2019. The Economic, Political, and Social Implications of Environmental Crises. The Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0257.1 [online first].

Rodriguez Lopez, Juan Miguel/Tielbörger, Katja/Claus, Cornelia/Fröhlich, Christiane/Gramberger, Marc/Scheffran, Jürgen. 2019. A Transdisciplinary Approach to Identifying Transboundary Tipping Points in a Contentious Area: Experiences from across the Jordan River Region. Sustainability 11(4), 1184; doi: 10.3390/su11041184. [open access]

Fröhlich, Christiane. 2018. Flucht als Herausforderung neokolonialer Herrschaftsstrategien. Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, Special Issue De- und Postkoloniale Perspektiven in der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, ed. by Cordula Dittmer, 99-124. [in German]

Selby, Jan/Dahi, Omar/Fröhlich, Christiane/Hulme, Mike. 2017. Climate Change and the Syrian Civil War Revisited. Political Geography 60, 232-244; doi: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2017.05.007. [open access]

Selby, Jan/Dahi, Omar/Fröhlich, Christiane/Hulme, Mike. 2017. Climate Change and the Syrian Civil War Revisited. A Rejoinder. Political Geography 60, 253-255.

Fröhlich, Christiane. 2017. A Critical View on Human Mobility in Times of Crisis. Global Policy, Vol 8, Issue Supplement S1, 5-11; doi: 10.1111/1758-5899.12417. [open access]

Bank, André/Fröhlich, Christiane/Schneiker, Andrea. 2017. The Political Dynamics of Human Mobility: Migration out of, as and into Violence. Global Policy 8, Issue Supplement S1, 12-18; doi: 10.1111/1758-5899.12384. [open access]

Bank, André/Fröhlich, Christiane/Schneiker, Andrea. 2016. Migration aus der Gewalt, als Gewalt und in die Gewalt. Konzeptionelle Überlegungen zum Zusammenhang von menschlicher Mobilität und politischer Gewalt. Die Friedens-Warte – Journal of International Peace and Organization 91(1-2), 127-149.

Fröhlich, Christiane. 2016. Climate Migrants as Protestors? Dispelling Misconceptions about Global Environmental Change in Pre-Revolutionary Syria. Contemporary Levant 1(1), 38-50; doi: 10.1080/20581831.2016.1149355.

Fröhlich, Christiane, and Michael Brzoska. 2016. Climate Change, Migration and Violent Conflict: Vulnerabilities, Pathways and Adaptation Strategies. Migration and Development 5(2), 190-210; doi: 10.1080/21632324.2015.1022973.

Fröhlich, Christiane, and Giovanna Gioli. 2015. Gender, Conflict and Global Environmental Change. Introduction to special issue of Peace Review – A Journal of Social Justice 27(2), 127-136; doi: 10.1080/10402659.2015.1037609.

Ide, Tobias und Christiane Fröhlich. 2015. Socio-environmental cooperation and conflict? A discursive understanding and its application to the case of Israel/Palestine. Earth System Dynamics 6, 659-671; doi:10.5194/esd-6-659-2015.

Fröhlich, Christiane. 2012. Water: Reason for Conflict or Catalyst for Peace? The Case of the Middle EastL’Europe en Formation, special issue “Géopolitique et gestion de l’eau – Water Geopolitcs and Water Management”, No. 365, 2012/3, 139-161; doi:10.3917/eufor.365.0139.

Fröhlich, Christiane. 2012. Security and Discourse: The Israeli-Palestinian Water Conflict, Conflict, Security & Development, 12(2), 123-148; doi: 10.1080/14678802.2012.688290.
